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Chemical Sensors towards Environmental Toxic Molecule Monitoring: Fluores-cent Probes for Detection of Thiophenol
Lirong Jiang, Juanjuan Wu, Douyong Min, João Rodrigues, Ruilong Sheng
General Chemistry    2020, 6 (3): 190027-190027.   DOI: 10.21127/yaoyigc20190027
Abstract327)      PDF (547KB)(408)       Save
Thiophenols, a family of important industrial chemicals, is highly toxic for aquatic organisms and human beings. Developing new chemical sensors with the merit of fast, low cost, portable, selective and sensitive, as well as visualizable signal output for efficient detection of thiophenols, is highly desirable. This spotlight article reviewed and discussed the current trend and statement of thiophenols-specific fluorescent probes. Moreover, the future outlook in this field was also stated.
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Charge-Assisted Hydrogen Bonds in Self-Assemblies of Small Molecules: Visu-al Detection and Prospects
Jubaraj Bikash Baruah
General Chemistry    DOI: 10.21127/yaoyigc20190017
Online available: 01 September 2019

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