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Online ISSN: 2414-3421
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     Guidelines for Reviewers

The General Chemistry is an online journal for publication of original research works in the field of chemistry. The goal of launching this journal is to provide a good platform of academic communications for international chemists and promote rapid dissemination of novel discoveries in chemistry.

General Policy

The contents of manuscripts submitted to the General Chemistry must not have been submitted to any other journal in parallel or published previously. Any manuscript already available on personal/group web pages will be considered by the Editor as already published and will not be accepted. The authors must inform the Editor of manuscripts submitted to, soon to be submitted to, or in press at other journals that have a bearing on the manuscript being submitted.

Peer Review Policy

All submitted manuscripts that are suitable for consideration will be sent to independent referees. Excellent chemists from all over the world will be invited to act as international referees. Manuscripts which are clearly inappropriate for this journal can be rejected without consulting referees. Authors are encouraged to suggest suitable referees (full names and affiliations including e-mail address); however, the referees that are contacted will not be limited to those nominated by the authors.  

2018-03-02 Visited: 4061
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Address: 425 East 76th Street, Apt 9E, New York, NY, 10021, United States